A picture of a poor man, generated via AI

18 Ways to Stay Poor [ Guaranteed ]

Yes. You heard it right….. I used the heading to catch your attention and now since you are reading this I guess I am pretty successful in that.

Start Tomorrow

Whether it is saving money, starting a business or hitting the gym. It’s the best and most accepted way to stay poor.
You all aren’t kids and you know where your habit of starting tomorrow takes to you. A student says that I will do the homework tomorrow and that tomorrow doesn’t come. The same applies to a wage earner whether he/she says tomorrow to start a business or a side hustle and that tomorrow never comes.
You might die tomorrow, so start now.

Read lots of books and then do nothing

This is by far one of the most common New Year resolutions. Lots of people talk about reading books and the majority of them could be seen posing with huge leaps of books but they are at the same position for years. Their new year resolution looks like this — This year I am going to read 52 books and so on. I watched Joe Rogan’s podcast with Naval Ravikant, where Naval says that it’s better to read the best books again and again until you absorb all the facts rather than reading all the books and not applying them.

Read one book again and again and do something out of it.

Naval Ravikant

Take advice from poor people on how to be rich

Think about it for a second. Your thoughts are influenced by people who are not rich. How can someone who is poor advise to become rich? If he knew that, why didn’t he apply that himself? They can be even your parents, relatives and teachers. So, take advice wisely.

Pick a spouse who will make you guilty about working

This isn’t for married people. Just think someone with whom you married and are going to spend your whole life with isn’t supporting your dreams. You are made to feel guilty about working. Also, knowing the fact that when you work your success will make your spouse’s life better too. Seek cooperation, not guilt.

Discuss about it beforehand marrying your spouse or your life will be a mess.

Alex Hormozi

Fail once, Quit forever

Tell me someone who hasn’t failed once. One name, you can’t find any because anyone who hasn’t failed once doesn’t exist. In whatever domain you are In, the man on the top has failed more times than you have ever tried to. Failure is not the end of the process it’s the part of process. You fail — you gain experience. Either you gain experience or you succeed. Either way, you win.

You only fail by not trying.

Think that the world is fair

This isn’t very common So, I am explaining it with an example.
Out of the current 27 judges of the Supreme Court, the fathers of 6 have also been judges. The world isn’t fair. Also, more than 70% of jobs are filled through internal networking on LinkedIn means only 20–30 % of jobs are available for you and me. Again, the world isn’t fair. You need to make your way out of it. We are not in a utopia.

Blame your circumstances and Complain

You got lower marks in an exam — you blame your parents because they made you do some household work. You couldn’t study — You blame your siblings for disturbing you. Let me be honest you have some finite years to live on this planet and no one has got time to listen to your blames.
You know very well that at face people seem to be very supportive when you blame others and at back they know that you just just someone who isn’t able to accept your responsibilities. Leave people, you know better that you haven’t achieved something you wanted to do because of you.

Take responsibility for the situation and accept the truth.

Expect the government to save you

The government isn’t going to help you. They only help the rich to become richer and you aren’t rich.
If the government had that intent then they could have already done something.

Take responsibility and do something.

Value the opinion of there over your own

You must take a job after studying and then have kids. Your idea is bad. You have no prior experience in business. You can’t succeed. Don’t value the opinion of people who say that.

You are successful the moment you say you are.

Avoid Discomfort

Ahh. Who the heck wakes up at 4 a.m. ? 7 a.m. isn’t bad either. There is no need to go to the gym. There is no need to work on any side hustle, I am good with my job.

Remember your growth starts a the end of your comfort zone.

Tolerate Mediocrity

Surround yourself with mediocre people and you will become one of them. If you are into that never hire dumb people. Don’t tolerate mediocrity; hang out with smarter people and you will become smarter.

Make Promises, Break Promises

You make a promise to yourself that you will wake up tomorrow at 4 a.m. and at 4 a.m.when the alarm rings you snooze it breaking your promise.

Every time you break your promise your value in your eyes goes down. Remember the hardest respect to earn is yours.

Wait for perfect conditions

All the lights aren’t green at times. You have to step out. Once you take that first step things keep on rolling.

The whole universe will help you conquer your dreams.

Prioritize looking rich over being rich

Real rich people don’t look rich. Don’t go after this showoff.

Be rich and not look rich.

I would prefer to be rich and anonymous rather than being poor and famous.

Naval Ravikant

Avoid working on what matters most

Working for your boss is hard.
Working on a side hustle is also hard.
Choose your hard.

Wait and think about what matters the most for you. Then do it.

Say you’re going to do something and then don’t do it

This is like making and breaking promises. Don’t cheat on yourself.

Do what everyone else is doing

Don’t be on the safer side by doing what most people do in their lives. They stay mediocre. If mediocrity is your goal then go for it. Else do what 99% of people aren’t able to do.

Do your best, Not what it takes

This means don’t be over-smart. Do what it takes not more or less. Keep quiet where it’s vital.

Start something new today, Start something new tomorrow

This happens to most of you. I bet. You thought of doing Medium then switching to YouTube and then to Substack and then to something else. You start something new every day. Don’t do that.

Believe what other people think about you more than what you think about you

Nobody can predict your future. Nobody knows more than you about you. Even your parents don’t know more about what you know about yourself.

Hear everyone’s advice but do only what you like.

Make a mistake then wait and repeat

Not learning from your mistakes is the biggest mistake. Mistakes and failures are the stepping stones of success.

Every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent success

Napolean Hill

Be replaceable

In this reign of AI tools, you can’t afford to be replaced. Try acquiring new skills constantly and be up to date. Learn soft skills to become irreplaceable.

Nobody has become poor by over-investing in themselves.

Find something that works and then stop doing it

Whenever you get initial results you stop working on that thing. Remember everything takes time. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Do ordinary things for extraordinary periods.

Assume you are always right

Nobody is always right. Even God makes mistakes. By assuming that you are always right, you miss the chance to learn from others and get some valuable insights.

Act to be dumb.

Make Money. Spend more than you make

This is by far the best way to stay poor. If you earn $100 save a bit of it and re-invest it in yourself. Cut on food, clothes and other non-vital things.

Eat a single time but save money and invest it in yourself it will save your coming years.

Thanks for reading.

This is Navneet signing off from today’s blog.


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