Navneet just after the act at Birla Museum, Bhopal.

Read the backstory here

20 – 03 – 2024

Hi, I am Navneet and I am starting a 21-day No Fap challenge, starting from tomorrow.

I want it to be long, but I will be starting with 21 days to make the base. Whatever happens, I will document it here and publish it online.

If this documentation can inspire even a single person in overcoming their addiction then I will consider it as a success. 

21 – 03 – 2024

Today was the first day of my 21-day No fap challenge and I successfully passed that. There was a time when I was downloading web series that were 18+ but I controlled myself. Instead of any 18+ web series, I downloaded an inspirational movie “The Bucket List”

I believe that I will get past these 21 days.

When I complete 7 days, I will give myself a treat with a 100 rupee budget.

22 – 03 – 2024

Well everyone today was the 2nd day of my 21-day no fap challenge and I am glad that I successfully completed it. I didn’t get any thoughts about getting into those things but I was thinking a lot about my present crush and that was getting me charged up, but I still completed today’s day. 19 days more to go. More power to me.

23 – 03 – 2024

Ah! Today is the 3rd day of my challenge and I am pretty down because of my health. I took tablets for my upset stomach and sneezing. When I am down with some health issues I generally don’t get the urge for Pornography and Masturbation and that’s a pretty good thing. Today’s day went smoothly in terms of the challenge. As I was now almost sure that I don’t have a future with my crush, I thought about her very little. Thinking about your crush is sometimes vital to get some good feelings. 18 more days to go. Thank You. 

24 – 03 – 2024

4th day of the challenge and I had nightfall tonight. I think my body is also finding ways to get the thing out but still I am happy about it.

I came to my cousin’s house at Motihari and yeah I am so happy that I have been 4 days away from Pornography & Masturbation. 17 more days to go.

25 – 03 – 2024

5th day of the No fap challenge, I have been thinking about girls to get some good feelings but I am still proud that I didn’t indulge into any sort of pornography & masturbation. 16 days more to go.

26 – 03 – 2024

Tadaa. Here I go for the 6th day. Again a day without pornography & masturbation. Don’t know what to say. BTW I came back to Bettiah from Motihari and my parents also won’t be here for almost 3 days so it will be a challenge for me to resist the urge. Let’s see how the next 15 days go.


Uu la la. It’s the 7th day being free from the hands of pornography & masturbation. Josh is high and I am feeling good. I am also not getting unnecessary arousal ( until I think of my crush of course). I now believe that I will make it past 21 days without much hassle and I believe that the end of this half a decade long addiction is near. I don’t want it to be too easy. Well however it goes, I will journal it down. Be with me, 14 days to go.


Yesterday I asked to make the challenge more difficult and today it indeed became. Before even waking up I was getting a very hard urge to masturbate. At one time I thought that I would lose it, it was going out of control. Even if I had started then the end would be disastrous. 

Whatever but I am happy that I passed this day too. Today was really challenging and I am ready to face a bigger challenge tomorrow. Here completes the 8th day. 13 days to go. 


Baa baa black sheep have you any wool. Well I have no idea about it but one thing I know for sure is that I have passed my 9th day. I only got some urges in the morning but I easily crushed them. I also made myself busy so it helped me to further not think about my crush. Today’s day was kinda easy and I made it. The penis once started scratching and it was forcing me to do what I had been doing all these years i.e. to masturabate. I have completed 9 out of 21 days. 12 days more to go. Wo hoooo.


Here comes the 10th day. Considering today I didn’t get that much strong thoughts about masturbating as my body is also trying to get used to it. But one thing I know once I start to masturbate there is no stopping it will happen for sure. It’s only about starting once and all this control for 10 days will be in vain. RN I am on a train and am travelling for the next 3 days for my sister’s exam. So, I will have an upper hand in controlling myself as it’s not convenient masturbating at railway stations or trains. With this a fact must be considered that there have been a number of times when I have masturbated in trains & railway stations just for the sake of it so, I really can’t say anything. I sometimes think of my crush ( who’s never gonna be mine though ) , what goes in thinking about her and getting some good feelings. Good for me.

Well this was my 10th day of 21- day no fap challenge. Only 11 days more to go and I am determined to complete the challenge no matter what comes in my way and how many chances I have to take.


This morning when I was on the train, I was feeling restless and was getting constant urges to masturbate. My mind was constantly telling me to do it, do a bit, do little, start to do but do. When I was resting at Maihar Station then also I was getting constant urges and they were strong. I moved my body and the penis got pressed after that the good feel it started to give was awesome, it was very tempting. I think that from now I will have to control strong urges like this. I hope I don’t lose it. I tried a bit of masturbating at Halloween hotel, Maihar  but I controlled it. One more thing that after more than 10 days when I tried to start doing it, it felt extremely satisfying, like a sound was coming from inside to do it. Just do it. Fuck the challenge and just do it. But I am glad I didn’t make it happen and here I am after surviving the 11th day. Only 10 days to go. Come on boi. Let’s do it.


Oho so it’s the 12th day. First things first. Today’s day went too smoothly like I didn’t even get an urge to masturbate and I didn’t also get those bad sexual thoughts. I have controlled myself for 12 days and it’s a considerable amount of time taking in consideration that this fucking thing has destroyed my life for half a decade. I know I am a bit late but still when I conquer this I will have that courage to conquer all of my other habits. One more thing I read about my experience starting from day 1 to day 11 and it was way too inspiring. I am really proud of your Navneet. I have made my way to more than half of the challenge. I am really thankful to the one and only “Navneet ” to take this challenge. I am damn confident that I will complete this box and will never let him down. 

This is my 12th day of the 21-day no fap challenge. 9 days more to go. 


Again another day, it went as soft as butter. I was on the train this morning and I got out at 10 am. After that I worked and I slept, then went for a walk to Mayank ( my friend ). I didn’t get any thoughts that would force me to masturabate. BTW I had dayfall today, yeah it happened when I was sleeping in the evening. This challenge has happened to me two times till now. Whatever it is I am becoming a better man day by day. I am controlling my bad habits day by day. Everyday it’s becoming better. I can now divert my energy onto other productive stuff. I believe that this addiction of mine will only be a thing of the past for me. I can now better control my body and actions. I am feeling proud because of it. This is my 13th day of the 21-day No fap challenge. 8 days more to go.


Today at noon when I reached my village I was feeling restless and I just was looking to consume some sort of pornography. It went for a few minutes until I had some control over it. In the afternoon I really felt like doing it, I also tried doing it but stopped. It was so difficult. I was getting the optimum opportunity to do it as I was at my village. But in the end I passed today without pornography & masturbation. I have proudly completed 14 days, only 7 days more to go. Let’s make it happen. 


I was at my village all day today and I had enough time to do the deed but I got over it. I didn’t masturbate today or get into pornography thus passing today’s day. I can now feel that I have regained control over my body. I am feeling like a man. I now don’t jerk off watching naked girls having sex and I am fucking proud about it. It was like a scar for me. Now talking about it in public is healing that scar. I know what harm I did to myself for those 5 years couldn’t be treated but I saved myself from destroying the next 50 years of my life and when I complete this challenge I will be confident that I can do anything. If I can control my habit of watching porn and masturbating then technically I can do anything.  Thanks for taking this challenge Navneet, I am feeling proud and In control. Here I have completed my 2nd week; here goes the last week. 6  days more to go. Let’s go.


Uuu laa laa it’s the 16th day of my challenge and I completed today’s day also. I was travelling all day today and was on the train the majority of the time, so I didn’t get that high urge to masturbate. Moreover when it’s on my head then I have masturbated even in trains, hospitals, hotels and almost every place you have imagined of. So, not doing it for 16 days straight is enough to make me proud. Well done Navneet. More power to you. 5 days more to go. Byee.


Today was the 17th day of the challenge and this too went off easily. I feel that my body now has Optimise itself to control and ignore the sexual urges. I think that it’s also diverting the energy, I don’t know where. I was using Facebook at night and I could see adult content in my feed and I too wanted to watch it but I could feel the will power inside me and I was able to skip it without watching. I am thinking about my crus.h but yeah I am not masturbating or watching adult content. Well & good. Can’t believe that only four days are remaining in my challenge. Let’s do it boy. Four days more to go. 


3.2.1 and here I complete the 18th day of my challenge. Again a smooth going day with no such urges. My body is coping up with the new me. I am feeling fantastic. Three more days to go. Let’s do it.


Uff! Completed my 19th day of the challenge again hassle free. I fucking can’t believe that I am just 2 days short of completing this challenge. I am just overwhelmed thinking what a man I am becoming by choosing not to watch porn & masturbate. I really want to meet Navneet. I am becoming a completely different man whose priority isn’t to masturbate & watch porn daily. Instead he read books and worked on his skills. I just can’t wait to document the 21st day. Well I have to wait for two more days. I am feeling happy. Two more days to go. Let’s make it happen.


I really can’t believe that I have not watched porn or have masturbated for the last 20 days. It’s a proud moment for me. I look to win the battle forever. How cool is it that all of my friends masturbate and watch porn and I now don’t. I am putting the energy into some other productive work. I can now proudly say that I am a good boy with no bad habits. I have become really nice now. I am just thinking how lucky is someone who marries me, like wow. Or if I adopt a kid in future how proud will he/she be of me and how proud my parents will be ( though I ain’t going to tell them about this ) and the best part is me feeling proud of myself. I really can’t hold my excitement and share my transformation with the world. Here I am on the 20th day. 1 more day to go. I am going to get it. 


Today was the 21st and final day of my 21-day no fap challenge. I had nightfall this morning at 3am while I was sleeping and in my dreams I thought that I had masturbated. I became very sad about it and was in tears until I woke up to know that it wasn’t me and I took a breath of relief. I thought that I just lost my 21-day challenge and will have to re-start. But luckily I didn’t have to. So, here I am proudly stating that I have finally overcome my addiction of watching porn and masturbating.

This challenge wasn’t only for 21-days and it was never meant to be. It’s for the lifetime. I won’t be documenting it from tomorrow as now I have the willpower to say no to Pornography and masturbation. It really requires a lot of courage to document such a journey and put it online for the world.

PS: If anyday in the future even one boy/girl comes to me saying that because of you I got inspired to overcome my addiction then I will consider this as a success and I will be happy as fuck. 

I will be sharing this document with a few people with commenting access, you can always forward it to those whom you think might need it and everyone can add their comments. I will reply to all of you.

This is my picture before and after the journey.

Figure 1. Me on 20th March 2024. 

Figure 2. Me on 10th April 2024. 

Moreover you can always email me at

This is Navneet signing off from this journey.


Edit (20-04-24): Today marks one month of me being porn & fap-free. I am so proud of myself that I took up this challenge. I will forever be proud of this initiative that I took and I look up to it with pride. I now don’t get the urge to watch porn or to masturbate watching naked girls having sex. I can feel the change in me. I can feel the boost self-confidence. There is a long way to go.

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