Picture of Alex Hormozi

I have been following Alex and his content for over 6 months after I watched 100 million offers & leads, which changed my perception of things. I highly recommend that you watch all the courses.

I watched his guide on haters a month ago, and it was so good that I re-watched it, took notes this time, and am sharing it with the world. Let’s get started.

If someone shows hate towards you, you have three options.

Level 1: Ignore

  • This takes the least amonut of time.
  • This takes the least amount of effort.
  • You are being advertised for free ( some of them will even buy what you sell )

Level 2: Agree

There could only be controversy when both parties are against each other. If you join the other party, there will suddenly be nothing to say. Just accept the hate and keep providing the value. Your community is there for the value you provide, and they don’t care for anything else.

Level 3: Agree + 1

This is the ultimate level. If someone is trying to hate you, just agree to what they say, and then you too say something about you & mock yourself. For example, if someone says that you are dark-skinned, just accept it and talk about your weird eyebrows & tooth placement. What do you seem – Cool. What the haters seem – Helpless.

  • If someone is smaller than you and says that you have lied, then ignore & amplify your message.
  • If someone is smaller than you and says something else, then use the level framework.
  • If someone is bigger than you and says that you have lied, then use the Level framework.
  • If someone is bigger than you and says something else, then use the Level framework.

Hate only comes from below

Alex Hormozi

You cannot win by attacking; you only win by deflecting or amplifying your value. The people who are with you came to you & stayed with you for nothing but the value you provide.So, keep providing value, & also remember that hate is a prerequisite for success.

Thanks for reading.

This is Navneet signing off from today’s blog.

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