This is part of my 30-day Atomic Essay series. Check out the entire series here.

All my life i was told to treat cow as my mother. Forget eating beef, seeing beef was also out of the question. My family was non-vegetarian including me, we ate eggs, chicken, mutton, fish and others. As per our norm eating these were justified.

I was told that Muslims are bad people since they slaughter cows and eat beef. My question is who are you to decide if slaughtering cows is justified or not ? If killing a chicken or a goat is justified then so is for Cows.

The soo called Hindus get offended when someone says that eating beef is my right. Why is it soo ? You eat chicken. Let others eat beef.

India, where majority of people follow hinduism is the 3rd largest beef exporter in the whole world. That too when the present government talks soo much about the welfare of cows and Hindus.
Cow slaughter is a national topic for politics. But what about other animals that are brutally killed just for your taste ? Who are you to decide the worth of an innocent beings life ? Why can’t animal slaughter ( and not cow slaughter ) be the centre of politics ? Or if not then isn’t it hypocrisy to fight aganist Cow slaughter while having chicken in breakfast ?

End animal suffering not just cow suffering. Say No to meat. Killing animals for the sake of taste is NOT ethical. If you can’t give a life, you have NO right to take life.

Think slaughtering cows is justified.
Think again.

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