This is one of the biggest excuse of people who don’t want to donate blood. For them the only blood donation that matters is when some relative of theirs is dying. They know for a fact that this is a very rare incident and this might never come in their lifetime. So, they play it safe. One can also hear excuses like I am too thin or sick to donate blood. Or the hospital sells the blood. Or i will become weak. And so on and soo forth.

Whenever people say that hospitals sell blood, i ask a simple question that leaves them speechless. I ask if they would be willing to make any of their dear person who has passed away alive by paying some money or not ? They say Yes. It is then i make them understand that even if hospitals sell blood donated by donors there is nothing wrong in that. Blood can’t be made in laborataries. Every unit blood means a life. And if someone gives a life by taking money don’t you think that it’s a far better deal. You are literally buying a life in exchange of some money.

As the phrase says “Blood donation is great donation” everytime you donate blood whether voluntarily or involuntarily you save a precious life.

At the time of typing this i have already donated 3 units of blood ( that is 1050 ml ) and i can proudly say that i have saved 3 lives. Or i gave 3 lives. Feels like God, doesn’t it?

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