Navneet with his sister & grandmother shot on his webcam

Date: 10-03-2024

Dear Future Me,
It’s me, you from 10th March 2024 resting on my bed and typing it on my laptop. As you might remember that you were in rewa, MP for your 1st Semester examinations. Now-a-days I am reading Think and Grow rich by Napoleon Hill and today I ordered the paperback version of it via Flipkart. I will receive it by 15th March. I have my train to Ujjain on the 15th night, so I hope I get that book and I will devour it on the trip.

I am currently working on getting a domain and I had given a challenge for myself that I will only buy a domain if I am consistent enought to write a short documentary newsletter for 21 days and I am already done more than half of it. It’s easy to be consistent so, I believe that I will make it and get that domain.

I have lot’s of google docs files that I want to publish for the world to see, though I won’t recommend someone to read it untill I am sucessful but yeah It will be available for the public.
I am glad that I took the step to do all of these that I could probably be proud of.

Also, I donated blood for the 2nd time on 29th February 2024 and it was fun. I am going to donate again on 29th May 2024 without any exception.
I don’t have any source of revenue for now, when I go back to bettiah I will resume tutoring Sanjay Sir’s three awesome kids.

Since I left “Buddy” I don’t even have a network where I could talk in English but I have plans to get build my network with foreign people, So I could further develop my English speaking skills.
I want to get into teaching or getting taught spoken english. I also have a slight possibility of going to Banaras or Prayagraj. Let’s see. I just want to develop this skill where noone can compete with me and I want to practice with foreigners.

I have a 150 day streak on duolingo learning Chinese and I hope that you have maintained that streak as that 1+ year icon on your profile looks really great.
I hope that your website which is probably is getting some traction and you have adsensed it or probably have used it as your portfolio.
As I write this, the world feels exciting and uncertain depending upon the mood and song.
There’s so much I want to know about you!
Here’s what burns bright in my heart right now:


Career: I truly hope you’ve made your career as a writer and/or a video creator.
Travel & Adventure: There was this whole world I craved to explore, to. Have you conquered that fear and embarked on those adventures? Are you financially independent to travel ? Are you earning enough to travel full time ?
Website: I hope you haven’t let go of the spark of writing and documenting your life. Did you adsense your website and are you documenting your life publicly ?
Giving Back: There’s a deep desire within me to help animals and do something for hungry people. Have you found ways to do something significant to end world hunger ?


Life throws curveballs, that’s inevitable. But I also know you’re resilient, adaptable, and never one to shy away from a challenge. Remember, once you had the question of your survival with only 2 rupees in your pocket. I have that 2 rupee until now, I hope that you are still possessing that coin.

Looking at myself at this time I think you ( my future self ) would be in a serious relationship, but remember what happened last time. So, beware. Take your time and then decide.
I love reading books and writing stuff and I hope you like both of them.

See Navneet your life wasn’t easy, you didn’t get a silver spoon, you were abused by your parents, you were also sexually abused and no one believed in you other than you. Not even your parents mocked you, your friends mocked you and your relatives too. You have all of their quotes written in that file, reread and it will set you on fire.

There could be a chance where you hadn’t achieved any of the things listed above but listen I trust you that you are going to make it.
So, future me, here’s to you! May you continue to get everything which you want for you and the world. I can’t wait to meet you and hear all about your incredible journey.

With love and power,
Your Past Self
Navneet 💖

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