Navneet donating blood for the second time

Donating blood in itself is a daunting task. People who donate blood once boast about it for the rest of their lives now I am saying this with my experience seeing my father tellking his story of donating blood when a relative of his needed it in Patna. My grandfather had also donated blood somewhere which he was proud of but one thing was common in both the cases that both of them and the majority of blood donations that they are involuntary. It means you donate blood when someone is in need.

What i am talking about is voluntary blood donation that i do and I am proud of that. To start with I always thought of donating blood someday but didn’t get any opportunity for that until I was 18. On my 18th birthday on 29th November 2023, I contacted the medical helpline and asked them about it. They said that one can donate blood at any of the nearest government hospital. It was my birthday and I was in momentum. On the day I got out my house, cashed out a few thousand rupees and then went to donate blood.

Being honest my pre donation experience wasn’t too good with the hospital. Despite of the fact that I was legal to donate blood, I was asked to call my mother which of course I didn’t do. I told a wrong number and the man there wasn’t convinced. He turned me off. I there challenged him that if he doesn’t allow me to donate blood here I will do it in a private hospital. Later I knew that it’s an offense donating blood in private hospitals. Well coming to the point I was devasted as I wanted to donate blood for the first time in my life sharp on my 18th birthday

I won’t get into details. You can find the details here.

I donated blood for the first time on 29th Nov. 2023 and then sharp after 3 months on 29th Feb. 2024 and I am plaaning to do it every 90 days until my death or until I change my mind.

After donating blood for two times that too as a skinny boy with 60 Kg weight & 6’2 feet height, I only felt a 0.5 second delay in understanding things when i donated blood for the first time that too for a few hours. When I did it again I didn’t feel an ache. Being honest the most painful process is when the needle is pushed in your veins and when it’s taken out. Rest everything is painless. Also, it’s takes merely 3-4 minutes to donate 1 unit ( 350 ml ) of blood but it depends upon your vein if it’s thin then it might take more time. More or less whenever I donate blood i go and come with confidence pumping out of me. I see myself as the only happy person in the whole hospital campus.

I highly recommend all of you reading to donate blood every 3 months. It’s good for your health and it’s good for the person receiving your blood. Make it a habit and believe than by donating blood you are saving lives. More or less You are God or even better.

Thanks for reading.

This is Navneet signing off from today’s blog.


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