Good evening, Navneet.

Today I voted for the first time. Let me share my experience with you. So, since I knew that I was now 18 years old and eligible to vote, I registered via the Voter Helpline app.

I applied somewhere around 1.5 months before the election and according to many people, I might miss the elections this time. My serial number was 1616 and the voter list I downloaded had data only for 1604 people. When I called the voter helpline number, they said that it’s possible that your name didn’t get into the voter list and I was devastated. It was when I checked with the officer there and he checked that he has a 1616 number with my details and I can vote.

Before that, when I talked to my BLO, he also said that he has data for serial number 1604 and I won’t be able to vote. Nevertheless, the voting started today at 7 a.m., and many people were present before that time. Seeing the crowd and the rate at which voting was happening, I couldn’t gather the courage to stand for that long. So, I came to my house and like any other day, I spent the day. In the evening, around 4:30 pm, I got to know that the crowd was less now, so I, in my hero style, wearing black goggles with earphones in my ears, went, greeted the officers, and voted. I voted for Congress, though, if you want to know. I even tried recording it but the policeman there saw it, and my plan failed.

I really wanted to record it, though. Those who in my village got to know that I voted for Congress were somewhat or the other abusing me. More or less, my experience of voting was awesome. It was too simple, though. I wanted it to be more complicated. The ink they put on my fingers was also very thin. I wanted something to be dark. It looks like my skin is only dark and no one put ink on it. 

I am really happy that I was born in a country where I can vote to choose the leaders who are going to rule the country. I hope that the elections continue to exist. I love democracy. 

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