Jasmin Alic's Photo

I recently got the chance to watch the LinkedIn legend’s podcast with Chris do. In this blog, I will be sharing all the learnings I got from the podcast.

Let’s get started.

There are less than 1% of people who actually use LinkedIn to write content. This actually makes space for all the people who want to create content for LinkedIn. LinkedIn isn’t as saturated as other platforms and there is still a lot of room that needs to be filled. Start your LinkedIn content creation journey and experience it for yourself.

Hook is 90% of a good post. This is similar to the great saying that you have used 80 cents of your dollar once you have written your headline. This is somewhat similar. No matter how valuable your post might be, if no one reads it, it’s a waste. So, make your hook such that it attracts eyeballs. Remember that hook is the thing you want your reader to teach.

Note: Rehook (the second line) must crush the biggest objection your reader can have.

E.g., Hook: LinkedIn is the No. 1 business platform in the world.
Rehook: It’s the worst platform to sell products.

Now, after that, you can get into the details and explain your claim.

Whenever you add any image to the text, make sure that it is related to the text. Adding images just for the sake of adding images isn’t going to help you.

4/5 size is the best image size, as it covers all of the screen and gives the user a better chance to click. If you use an image smaller than this, then along with your post, the user will also see other posts on his feed, and the chance of him clicking on your post will become low.

The headline is the most prominent part of the profile. Every time you engage with other creators or get into a LinkedIn audio event, the only part of your profile that is shown is your profile photo & headline. So, don’t forget to make your headline clear & show your USP. Also, remember that the headline is cut off at 45 characters. So, use the optimum number of words in your profile.

Treat your linked-in page as your landing page. Once your prospect clicks on your profile, your profile becomes the landing page for him. Use the featured section of your profile, your banner, and the about section.

The Dear Son & Love Dad method: Every time we write out, depending on the situation & mood, the tone of our voice changes, which effects our writing. To keep it consistent, Jasmin suggests starting with Dear Son & ending with Love, Dad. Now, since he’s writing this to his son, he is forced to write in very simple language, use short sentences with no jargon, and use only actionable advice.

Always write it to one person. If you are writing for everyone, then you are writing for no one. Niche down until you see your ideal customer.

Commenting is the greatest growth hack on LinkedIn. Let’s get to the best-case scenario: when you post daily, your customers will see you once a day, seven times a week. Now, in addition to the posting, if you comment at 10 places, your prospects will see you 11 times a day and 77 times a week, which will increase their chances of buying from you tremendously. He also suggests that you never comment for the author alone; comment for everyone reading the post.

Write daily = Write daily better. Even if you suck at writing every day, showing up every day will make you a better writer every day.

Practice doesn’t make one perfect, but it does make one better.

Jasmin Alic

For people who are new to LinekdIn and want to start their networking journey on LinekdIn, he suggests making yourself familiar with the creator by putting yourself in his/her posts for at least 10 days in the comments before sending a connection request.

Never comment on one post just once; instead
a. Leave one main comment;
b. Leave 3 other replies to other comments.

This will give 4x the profile views.

At last, he stated the tools he uses
Authored Up – The ultimate LinkedIn content creation & analytics tool
Edit anything – Edit Anything is a simple extension that allows you to edit text on any website
& Secta AI – To create professional photos. His current profile picture is also made from Secta AI

Thanks for reading.
This is Navneet signing off from today’s blog.
Peace 🕊️

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