
Hey Navneet.

What’s up?

I hope you are doing good and you remember that you have been unemployed for more than 3 months. Congratulations on that because if you didn’t leave the job then you wouldn’t have started to work on your personal development and on building a personal brand on LinkedIn. 

So, from today itself I am on a challenge to get a 1000 followers and the challenge won’t stop unless I get that number. I got a tablet and I am right now building a system so I can do things faster and effectively. I didn’t engage much today but I will be heavily engaging with creators from tomorrow and will continue building the LinkedIn system.

I am also planning to create two months worth of content and schedule it by this month. Let’s see how it goes. 


2nd day of this long challenge. I posted one random post today and will be posting and experimenting with different content types. I got my laptop back today and I want to take full advantage of it. I also removed many accounts from my engagement sheet. I also refined it and added a few names. I worked on further building my LinkedIn system and now I am planning to repurpose all the posts and comments I have put into the notion file. I will keep adding content in it and I will remove the bad ones making the quality of content better and better. Right now I have 594 followers, 406 followers more to go.


I edited/repurposed a post i got from the taplio blog. I also made a Kanban board so I can keep track of the inspiration I get and whether I have posted or not. I have named them on the basis of the dates they will be posted. I have decided to post 3x a week and focus on building meaningful connections because posting 7x a week leads to burnout. I engaged a lot today like a lot but didn’t get even one new follower. I have plans that I won’t give more than an hour to engage. I will be engaging ½hour before & after posting. I will use the other time to up skill myself and in networking. I also proposed a guy Victor for a meet call. He hasn’t responded yet but I will be going on calls this month. 


I engaged a lot with other creators and you know the irony: I didn’t get a single follower even today. I scheduled 2 more posts and I am done with this week and even for next week monday. I also made a nice banner for linkedIn using Canva. I deserved a follower looking at the quality & quantity of my comments. But no matter what I will continue the challenge and will not give up. Either I succeed or I perish.


Today I woke up and opened linkedIn I saw an increase in followers. I got a 2 follower increase. I didn’t even have a follower for the past few days but the amount of engagement I did, I certainly deserved these two followers. I even got a connection request. I have now decided that I will not be engaging with every post that comes across me, I will be only engaging with posts that I have interest in knowing or I have some insight to share in the comments. I will prefer writing tips, linkedIn tips and personal branding content because that is where my TA lies. I am focusing on building a following first after that I can niche down.  

At night when I opened LinkedIn I looked at 4 DMs and a lot of notifications. I thought that my post had gotten viral but it hadn’t. I completed the day with a follower increase of 4.

Still good will keep going.


I crossed 600 followers today, though it’s not my end goal and a very long way is yet to be covered and I will keep going. It has alredy taken more than 12 months to get to this following. I am also working on building a notion linkedIn system and it’s going pretty well off. My posts are already scheduled for this week and I will schedule posts for the next week by the weekend. It’s easier for me as now I ain’t burntout. I have that peace of mind that my posts are going 3x a week. I need to learn networking and building relations on DMs


I got one more follower in the last 1 day. I am going good but very slow. I was thinking about creating an email course on the book “Think & Grow Rich”. I will also be working on my featured section after I start working on my email course. I need to get some lead magnets before I get a 1000 followers. I am planning to launch a newsletter once I reach 1000 followers but I will only let people in if they pay me a high amount of money or for free if they complete any of the email courses. I will be working on a few email courses and they can choose what to complete. Let’s see how it goes. As of now I will continue engaging with other creators as I am doing. I am also good at building a LinkedIn system. I will be scheduling posts for next week by this weekend. 


I almost didn’t engage anywhere today, I was busy watching Dark web series. I scheduled posts for the next week and further developed my Linkedin notion system to be specific to the post scheduler part of it. I will be editing those posts by tomorrow.

I am glad that I am doing it better than I was doing a year ago or even a month ago. My aim here is to get followers like a lot of them and then monetize them. 

I have no idea how but I am sure 


Today was Sunday and I edited & scheduled more posts. I also further developed the content system. I didn’t engage much since I had to visit the hospital to get a rabies injection. That too didn’t happen. I will again tomorrow. You know, today I came across a LinkedIn personal branding strategist who said that she had been posting only for  2.5 months and she has gained a massive following of 9.5 K. You know female privilege, I saw her content and 100% of them had selfies. Seeing beautiful girls, people ( including me ) tend to click on it. I am feeling a bit envious but again I don’t want 100% of her life so, I don’t deserve to be envious of her. It could also be because her content is better than that of mine. Though this was only my thought that I wanted to share with you. Here’s how my Linkedin content system looks like. I have planned 2 things first to build relations with creators & tag them in my posts and second talk about my Linkedin system once I develop it fully. 

2 days and I didn’t even get a follower. It’s not easy and people are going to think after I gain a massive following. I am enjoying the process though. Life is enjoy


After two days of drought, I finally got 3 new followers. I am engaging consistently 

& heavily and I again think that I will get some results in the next 24 hours. I now need to share fresh perspectives, I have also planned to share twitter ( X ) snapshots. You know what I mean. You know Navneet, it sucks when creators get lots of followers just because of their gender and photos. It sucks. They are trying to make this the new instagram. I am here for the long run. I have been building my Personal brand for over a decade. I am not going to leave in between. I will create value for the people around me and for the people on the platform. I need to learn from Sahil bloom & Justin welsch. I like their accounts and the value they create. Even if I get 0-2 followers per day I will keep going. I am loving the process. 

Grind & sweat. Toil & bleed. It’s all part of becoming an overnight success.


Hey Navneet. I am feeling really burnt out. I am clueless, I am overwhelmed. I am doing a lot of things at the same time. I am not sure what I want out of linkedin. I don’t have a proper plan in place. I hate people who say the same thing again & again in different ways, I am also one of them. I want to step up my content game but for that I will have to let go of all my following and engagement. I will have to build my comment notion system from scratch. I am feeling tired. I am not getting hired anywhere. I am fucking clueless. I fucking need a job. I don’t have money. I am thinking of dropping Linkedin and end the battle😔🥺. 


I was feeling like giving up today. Nothing seemed to work. I wasn’t getting any traction. I had no plan. I had screwed up my Linkedin notion system. I don’t have wifi. The mobile data doesn’t fucking work.

I also masturbated twice today, so that guilt also took over me. I was feeling lazy & hopeless. At evening time I got a burst of energy & all negativity turned into positivity. I did a lot of work on my linkedin notion system. I am also constantly levelling up my linkedin content. Coming to my Linkedin followers, I am having a hard time increasing them. I am also working on some sort of lead magnet to help my audience. 


I didn’t engage today. I wasn’t feeling like and when I felt like my data wasn’t working. The irony is that I lost one follower today. Fuck. I did update the linkedin system & inserted some post inspiration in that but that was all. I had to engage with other creators which I didn’t. I am having a hard time building, omitting & editing the system all by trial & error but I will do whatever it takes. Once I have  lots of content I will start to increase the no. of posts per week & I will also get into carousels but that’s for another day.

Looking at what I was a month ago I have made some progress as I now get an average of 10 comments on my posts, of course it includes my replies & the multiple comments I post but i must admit that i have made some progress.


Today I got that lost follower of mine back, and the needle almost didn’t move towards my goal. For that I am only responsible for that I didn’t engage with creators. I did add post ideas in my notion and I will be scheduling content this weekend for the next two weeks. I now don’t have any problem with content ideas. I have abundance of that, the only thing that’s stopping me is this fucking network connection & poor data speed. I will now focus more on getting leads for getting an internship from this coming week. Let’s see how it goes.


You guessed it right I didn’t get any followers even today. I have scheduled content for two weeks in advance and the content is satisfactory. I am levelling up slowly. The bottleneck is the follower count. I am facing difficulty in getting in front of my ICP. I will just engage with everyone who comments under Dickie Bush content. They will be of highest value to me. I will even go to their account and engage with them. This is how if 25% of them come to my profile & engage I will build a relationship with them via DM and this will help me in the long run. Let’s see how it goes. 


I did some comments but yeah it wasn’t enough. Earlier today my data was way too poor and it only worked at night. I followed what I said yesterday about commenting. I have 608 followers now. I don’t have any idea on how it will go but still I have already scheduled content for the next two weeks and this coming week I will be only focusing on sending emails. I need to get rejected. I need to put myself out there. I am also averaging 100 impressions + per post and I am confident that I am crossing 200 + impressions per post this week


I love this thing because it is hard and others are gonna work their ass off to reach whereI wanna go.

So, right now I have 609 followers. If my followers increase at the rate it’s increasing then I might write more than 400 times. I really can’t take it casually. The good news is that I might solve my network issue in a week or so and if luck helps I might even get a Jio Airfiber. So, I will keep on keeping on & I will continue levelling up my content game and when the network allows I will even get on a coffee chat with people. The post today only got 79 impressions. It’s bad I wanted more than 150 impressions & it didn’t even reach 100. Shit. I even reposted it but of no avail.


I had some success today, I got 3 more followers, that is 612 followers. No plan RN to talk about. Life is enjoyable.


Got some success today, I have 615 followers now. My content also worked somewhat well. It got around 161 impressions that too when I engaged with the comments on my post after 5 hours. Life is Enjoy 




I still have 615 followers LOL. I haven’t been engaging with creators for the last few days. My recharge also went over today. I even hesitated to recharge for 149 rupees. 


I have 616 followers, I am not engaging. I have limited data only 1Gbs per day so, I am struggling. Also, I have limited power supply and I am also timing restrictions. Whatever all those are excuses. I saw a LI post quoting Alex Hormozi that Volume negates luck.

So, from the next batch of scheduled post I am doubling down from 3x post to 5x ( +2x ) posts and two days I will post something random but it won’t be mandatory. 

I need to remember that I am on the mission to become the greatest my bloodline has ever seen. Life is Enjoy 


No idea why my followers have increased. I now have 618 followers. Also, my content this week performed better than the last week and that’s something to track. My content is gonna perform much better in the coming weeks. It’s also gonna boost because I will use carousels. Woo hoo 


I really got some success today, no idea how my follower count increased to 622 from 618. It means I got 4 new followers. My content too is performing better this week than last week. As I wanted earlier my posts are averaging 200 impressions and that’s awesome. Levelling up the content is working for me. I need to keep pushing it. I need to schedule the posts tomorrow for next week. For that I again need to make illustrations using canva. This time I will try to keep it a bit better quality. I don’t want it to be blurry. I need it sharp. I also observed that personal/personalised content is working better than some random tips. So, while searching for inspiration I will focus on that. After scheduling the content for the next week by this weekend I will get into carousels. Once I get 21 carousels I will launch that 21 day carousel challenge, I believe that it will bring some awesome results. I will also share my results on my website. I am lacking bandwidth and data. I don’t even have money to recharge. Rest is good. Life is Enjoy.


I still have 622 followers and the graph again came down as today wasn’t my posting day. I too didn’t engage much with new creators. I built an engagement list of creators, most of them are peers. I will add large creators later. I will engage with these creators whenever I post. I scheduled a post for the next two weeks. I am also levelling up my content each week. I will be now getting into carousels & will target 300+ impressions from the coming week.


Bro!! I got my second viral post or semi-viral. I wrote a post inspired by Jasmine’s carousel and posted it today. First I thought that I am getting these likes & comments by myself until I saw a like by Jasmine Alic. He liked my post on him and that made all the difference. I got around 6 connection requests that I rejected. My follower count jumped from 622 to 646 and that’s quite impressive. Since this thing is working I am going to write my learnings from different creators & tag them. There is quitequite a bit of a chance that they will repost it or at least leave a comment or like which in turn will amplify my reach. I too have values so I can’t be solely depend on some random creator and loose my voice but I can use this method once in a week or less. Let’s see how it goes.




Bro a founder replied to my appreciation message. There is some chance that I might get a job but still can’t say anything. So, in the last 2 days I got one follower. That’s not a big deal though. I will be in a wifi zone from tomorrow onwards so, I am going to level up my game. First thing first I am going to engage and connect with founders. That’s my no. 1 goal. I want their posts in my feed and mine posts in theirs. I will also get into creating carousels so that my reach amplifies. Once I start creating carousel I will get into collaborating with other creators. This is again a shortcut to increase reach. So, three things 

  • Write a post each week summarising a creator’s content.
  • Engage and connect with 5 founders daily
  • Start creating carousels & collaborate with other creators 
  • Keep sending cold emails daily and follow up with them. 


The founder didn’t reply again. I had made a lot of plans for that. Fuck. I didn’t do anything significant today so, obviously, my follower count didn’t increase. I have 648 followers. I am planning to use linkedin strategically. I don’t want to be on Linkedin all day. I also made a carousel and scheduled it. 


I now have 650 followers. I don’t have any idea on how to increase engagements but I now do have an idea on how to get followers. Engage a lot with people in the comments. Comment in such a way that it’s different from others, like my comments have ↳ sign and my profile. I did engage with a few creators just before my post was out and I guess it worked.




I didn’t engage today because I didn’t find quality posts & I wasn’t feeling like it. So, my follower count is pretty stagnant but I did something that is worth mentioning. I was to update my Linkedin banner, so I went on Canva and started looking for templates to edit. Out of nowhere an ide came to my mind of creating a banner from scratch so, I did it and bro it was fucking easy. I edited it a couple of times and now the final product is impressive. I chose blue because it’s my favourite. I am now looking really professional. I will keep updating it in the future. I am glad that I took a step. 

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