

After I completed the 21-day no fap challenge, I was assured that I have left this bad habit of masturbating far ahead but recent events have again brought me to the ground.

I masturbated yesterday and as well as today thus draining myself out of energy and wasting my precious time. I just started gently because it was scratching a bit but then I lost it. After the challenge I have masturbated 4 times. I first tried to console myself by saying that I am not addicted as I am not doing it regularly and I can afford doing it sometimes but today I did it 2 days in a row. I know that something is wrong with me.

I can’t let this come again in my life. I can’t let this destroy my life Just because it gives me some pleasure for a few seconds. I want to divert my energy in doing productive work and reading books. I believe that they deserve my time & attention.

So for all these reasons I am again starting the 2.0 version of the challenge from tomorrow. Like the last time I am determined to complete it again this time. If I miss it I will re-start and will keep doing it. Either I succeed or I perish. There is no going back.


Hey Navneet. Today was the first day of my No-fap challenge 2.0 and it went off pretty smoothly. There was a time in the afternoon when I was getting the urge to download some 18+ movies but I didn’t do it. I instead downloaded an inspirational one. Today’s day was a bit easy also because I was at my cousin’s house and masturbating becomes a bit difficult when you change places. Well whatever the reason, maybe I have completed the first day. I am pretty excited for this challenge and am dedicated to complete it too.


Today was meant to be the second day of my challenge, but I lost it. I was at Physics Wallah Pathshala at Motihari, where my cousin brother took me to meet Manish Raj Sir, The meeting was getting boring, and I was getting an urge to pee, I found the toilet there and I Masturbated. I don’t know why I felt like that but I was feeling like I was getting a new experience so fuck the challenge and just do it. It’s the third time I’ve masturbated in the last 4 days. I am again going in the death valley, and I know that there is no coming back if I get into it.

I am also feeling very guilty, I am feeling weak, my legs are a bit trembling and I am feeling confused. I am sorry Navneet. I promise I will complete the challenge this time. 🥺As promised, I am resetting the challenge and it will again re-start from tomorrow. I hope and believe that I will complete it this time.


Today was the first day of my challenge and I am glad to say that I successfully completed it. It was a bit easy for today as I was to come to my Village from my cousin’s house and we were quite busy from morning packing. I am determined to complete the challenge this time and since I promised it to myself, I will do it. Whatever happens, I don’t want to go too easy; I want some adventure. Let’s see what happens.


Second day of the challenge and it was as smooth as butter. Not even a thought of consuming porn content or of masturbating.

I think that whenever I am accountable I can better control my thoughts and actions.
Whatsoever I am done


Today was the third day of the challenge and needless to say, it went as smoothly as butter. When I slept, I felt like I had nightfall but that wasn’t the case. I am glad that I have completed today’s day without masturbating.
Though I am not feeling any significant change in myself, I will still keep going.

I believe that I will again complete this challenge. 18 days more to go.

UPDATE: I masturbated after writing the above experience. I failed again. I again lost the promise I made with myself. The challenge will again start from tomorrow.


Aha, so here I am after failing the challenge two times, trying for the third. Being the first day of the challenge, it was smooth as butter and too easy. I didn’t get any thoughts of masturbating or watching porn. 20 days more to go. Do it, boy.


second day of the challenge, and it went off pretty easily. I was travelling all day from Sagauli to Bettiah to Motihari, so I didn’t get enough time to think about these things. I am well off from this addiction, as far as I know. I am again on track. I hope that I complete this challenge in time. 19 days more to go.


3rd day of the challenge, and I am glad that I completed it. Earlier this morning, I was getting some arousals, but after that, everything was good. Once I am busy or with people, I don’t get thoughts of watching porn or masturbating. I saw a half-sex scene in the webseries Dark. 18 days more to go. Do it, boy.


Another very easy day with no bad thoughts. I was at my cousin’s house and also met one of my aunts (Fua)) and I loved meeting her. Whenever I am social, I don’t get any bad thoughts. I will have to take care of myself when I go to my village, as I lose my will there only. Let’s see. 17 days more to go. Let’s do it.


Today was the 5th day of the challenge, and it wasn’t that smooth. I had only a few hours of WiFi left, so I downloaded a lot of movies & web series. Needless to say, a few of them were 18+. I was getting some urge to masturbate today, and I was getting aroused, but I still controlled myself. I knew that if I started, then I would not be able to stop myself. It was difficult, though. I was constantly thinking about going to the bathroom and masturbating. Whatever, I completed today’s day also. 16 days more to go.


I lost it again. Yesterday I downloaded a lot of porn movies and webseries, and since they were so easy to find, I watched them and couldn’t help myself. I am going to delete all the further porn movies and webseries. I have no idea where I am going again. It will be bullshit if I say that I am feeling guilty. I was tempted earlier today to drop the challenge, just like the 21-day no-liar challenge, but “They don’t know me, son.”. I will again reset and continue the challenge. I will do whatever it takes to complete the challenge. This is the third time I failed, trying for the fourth time.


I lost it again. I am literally in the dip. I can help but watch porn & masturbate. I will be pausing this challenge for now before I get some inspiration. My life was going good and I was getting control over myself but no self control comes when you get the urge to engage in these sexual activities. I don’t know where I am going. I failed it for the 4th time in this challenge. I don’t have energy to try for the 5th time. My lust is now controlling me. I can’t just continue the challenge if I treat it like “my dairy” and cry everyday after breaking the challenge. 

I need to reassess myself and I gotta have some self-talk. Will update by tomorrow. Bye


Masturbated again.

Note: I am pausing the challenge for now, will make a comeback after getting some cartilage in my mind.


Okay. I am not allowed to do this but since I didn’t masturbate today and have gained some courage so I will restart the challenge once again. If this time I masturbate then I will close the document forever for good. I have lost the challenge 5 times in this doc and I am trying for the 6th time. Cheers to my 1st day. 20 more days to go.


2nd day of the challenge and it went off pretty easily. I am not in a mood to write more. Will meet tomorrow. 19 days to go. 


3rd day and won the day too. I am currently juggling with a lot of things, so I really can’t think of masturbating. 18 days to go


I lost it again this morning. I lost the challenge for the 6th time today and I am going to try for the 7th time. I am more persistent than this fucking challenge.

“Persistence is the only known antidote for failure” – Napolean Hill


1st day of the challenge and I am glad I completed it. Since I had masturbated twice yesterday so, I didn’t get that urge to do it again. 20 days to go.


I masturbated again. Not having a definite purpose in my life is hitting me hard. I have got no power to let the challenge continue. I am in the worst of the bad situation. When I got the urge to masturbate I was in my senses I know that I can’t do that but I still did it. I don’t have any self control. I am dying. I have already lost the challenge 7 times and now I will have to try for the 8th time.


01st day and you know that I didn’t masturbate. Whenever I masturbate, the next 1-2 days go very smoothly. The real turbulence starts in 5-6 days. 20 days to go. 


2nd day and it too went off pretty easy. In the evening I was thinking about some imaginary girls ( wives ) and that was getting me some arousal. Other than that, all okay. 19 days more to go

Note: After writing about the experience I watched porn and masturbated again. I am clueless. 

I have lost 8th time and it’s not about losing but it’s about losing the self control I thought that I had acquired. I am an insane mad boy. I will start for the 9th time tomorrow.


I watched porn & masturbated again today. I am ashamed that everyday I have to tell people in public that I masturbated & watched porn. I have lost the 9th time. My energy that must be being used in some creative work is now going in watching porn & jerking. I am ashamed of myself. This disease is eating me from inside & out. How happy was I after completing the no-fap challenge 1.0. Ohh🥺😔


Today at midnight I was getting bitten by some mosquitoes and I was half asleep. I don’t know what came to mind, I woke up, watched hard porn & Masturbated. 


1st day completed, feeling good about myself. 20 days more to go.


2nd day completed. I know I have to complete the challenge as my haemoglobin is at 9 points & I need at least 12 points to donate blood & I believe this act of mine has an impact on my health. To donate blood I must leave masturbation. Also, I will be at my maternal grandmother’s house for a few days so I have an upper hand. Well let the future decide that. 19 days more to go. Life is enjoy. 


Yesterday I wrote about having an upperhand in this challenge and that same upper hand worked against me today. I was guarding the litchi trees, when everyone went I masturabated. I thought that I wouldn’t be able to do it without watching porn but I still somehow did it. I also meditated earlier today. Fuck. I thought that I would have some self control but all in vain. I am done. I have no idea what to do. 


Needless to say, I completed today’s day. 20 days more to go 


Had a very bad nightfall at 3 am but it was easier for me to complete the challenge. 19 days more to go.


I felt like masturbating when I was asleep but I am glad that masturbating here at my maternal grandmother’s hours is not that convenient so, I got over it. I am also off porn for these days, I know it’s dangerous. It increases the dopamine threshold and then I won’t feel the motivation & drive in the things I really want to do. 18 days more to go.


Won the day but indeed it was difficult. I was getting urges to masturbate. Had it been convenient I might have done that also. Going to my village ( Chainpur ) can prove dangerous for me as I might again masturbate there. Let’s see 17 days more to go.


I am clean until now. I am in my village ( Chainpur ) , so I am in a vulnerable state now. Whatever, I completed today’s day. 16 days to go.


I was afraid that if I come to Chainpur I might masturbate in solitude and the same would happen. I tried masturbating a few times, controlled most of them but the last one got me. I watched porn too. I can feel my head vibrating. I failed again. I failed for the 12th time. I will try for the 13th time.


From Today morning only I was in a whole different mood, since I recorded a video confessing my mistakes; I felt relieved. The video thing worked so, I am going to record more videos, talking about my day in this 21-day No fap challenge 2.0.


You guessed it right, I completed today’s day with flying colours without any struggle. I am also starting my health transformation journey from tomorrow. I hope it helps me in this challenge.


Won today’s day also. I didn’t get that urge today. The reason for it may be me giving priority to my health and being busy all day. Whatever is the reason I completed the 3rd day. 18 days more to go.


4th day completed. 17 days to go.


Now I believe that if a man has no sense of purpose he will deviate himself with cheap pleasure like Porn and Masturbation. It’s not like I recently found my sense of purpose but I do think that when I am busy working on myself I don’t even get a small urge to indulge in these activities. I am glad that I reached the 5th day after starting for the 13th time. Woo hoo. 16 days more to go.


6th day completed. 15 days more to go.


7th day completed. 14 days more to go.


Completed today’s day too with flying colours. No thoughts of watching porn or masturbating. I have until now only completed 8 days. I still have 13 more days to go but I am dedicated to completing it. 💖💪


I had a hard day today. I was at my Aunt ( Mausi’s) house. I got a room and a attached toilet and every now and then I was getting the thought of masturbating because I had previously experienced the same. I had masturbated when I came to her house before.

Whatever happened I won the day. I am happy and proud of myself. 12 days to go.


Completed the day. 11 more to go.


Ulalalalala. I completed the 11th day. Again an easy day. I got some arousal when I was listening to ASMR and a passionate one came into my way. Rest the day was good. I am happy & satisfied. Can’t believe that I have crossed 50% of the challenge this time. I really hope I make it again this time. 10 days more to go. Love you Navneet, ❤️‍


Woo hoo. Today was the 12th day and needless to say that I completed the day. I am high on energy and my brain fog is fading away. I am meditating daily and in the last 3 days I have averaged 80+ pushups daily. I can also run 1300 metres non stop. I am driven to upgrade my health so, not watching porn & not masturbating is becoming a bit easy for me. I am also feeling more confident and I am feeling good for myself. Can’t believe that I made this far. Only 9 days to go. Will give myself a treat after 2-3 days & will also record a video. More power to you boy. Love you, navneet ❤️‍


Again another easy day. The brain fog is still there. It will take some time to heal and I am damn sure that it will get healed once I get away from it for a few months, starting from this 21-day challenge. Having a purpose really helps in quitting an addiction. I feel that I should have done that early on in my life. Still I am happy. I love you Navneet, just complete this challenge this time and give yourself a momo treat tomorrow. Get some junk food inside your tummy. You need that. 13 day completed 8 days to go. Okay bye ❤️‍🔥


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